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Vehicle Funding Assistance

There are a number of disability assistance programs that offer help in the purchase of mobility vehicles. Below, you will find contact information for different agencies and non-profit organizations with the area of New England. This informations includes the states of New Hampshire, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Call New England Motor Car Company at (603) 888-1207 to get more information about mobility vehicle funding or read the information provided below.

New Hampshire
New Hampshire State Office of Veterans Services

275 Chestnut St, Room 517
Manchester, NH 03101-2411

Phone: 603-624-9230

Toll Free: 800-622-9230

Fax: 603-624-9236

Website: http://www.nh.gov/nhveterans/index.htm

Crotched Mountain

1 Verney Dr
Greenfield, NH 03047

Phone: 603-547-3311

Website: https://crotchedmountain.org/about/

Disability Rights Center - NH

64 North Main St, Ste 2, 3rd Flr
Concord, NH 03301-4913

Phone: 603-228-0432

Fax: 603-225-2077

Website: http://www.drcnh.org/

New Hampshire Council on Developmental Disabilities

Walker Building
21 South Fruit St, Ste. 22
Concord, NH 03301-2451

Phone: 603-271-3236

Toll Free: 800-852-3345, x3236

Website: http://www.nhddc.org

Center for Disability Rights

764-B Campbell Ave
West Haven, CT 06516

Phone: 203-934-7077

Fax: 203-934-7078

Website: http://cdr-ct.org/

Connecticut Department of Veterans’ Affairs

State of Connecticut, Department of Veteran's Affairs
287 West St
Rocky Hill, CT 06067

Phone: 860-616-3683 or 860-616-3684

Fax: 860-616-3562

Website: http://www.portal.ct.gov/dva

Connecticut State Independent Living Council

151 New Park Ave

Phone: 860-523-0126

Website: http://ctsilc.org/about-us/

Connecticut Tech Act Project

CT Tech Act Project
25 Sigourney St, 11th Flr
Hartford, CT 06106

Phone: 860-424-4881

Fax: 860-424-4850

Website: http://cttechact.com/


221 State St
Augusta, ME 04333-0011

Website: http://www.accessmaine.org//

Bureau of Veterans' Services in Maine

117 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0117

Phone: 207-430-6035

Fax: 207-626-4471

Website: http://www.maine.gov/veterans/

Disability Rights Maine

24 Stone St, Ste 204
Augusta, ME 04330

Phone: 207-626-2774

Toll Free: 1-800-452-1948

Fax: 207-621-1419

Website: https://drme.org/

Maine CITE Program

Maine CITE Coordinating Center
225 Western Ave
Augusta, ME 04330

Phone: 207-621-3195

Fax: 207-629-5429

Website: http://www.mainecite.org/

Department of Veterans’ Services - Massachusetts

Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Veterans' Services
600 Washington St, 7th Flr
Boston, MA 02111

Phone: 617-210-5480

Fax: 617-210-5755

Website: http://www.mass.gov/veterans/

Disability Law Center - Massachusetts

11 Beacon St, Ste 925
Boston, MA 02108

Phone: 617-723-8455

Toll Free: 800-872-9992

Fax: 617-723-9125

Website: https://www.dlc-ma.org/

Massachusetts Statewide Independent Living Council

280 Irving St
Framingham, MA 01702

Phone: 508-620-7452

Fax: 508-620-7450

Website: https://www.masilc.org/

Rhode Island
Office of Veterans Affairs -Rhode Island

560 Jefferson Blvd
Warwick, RI 02886

Phone: 401-921-2119

Website: http://www.vets.ri.gov/

Rhode Island Legal Services

56 Pine St, 4th Flr
Providence, RI 02903

Phone: 401-274-2652

Toll Free: 800-662-5034

Fax: 401-453-0310

Website: https://www.helprilaw.org/

TechACCESS of Rhode Island

161 Comstock Parkway Cranston, RI 02921

Phone: 401-463-0202

Toll Free: 800-916- 8324

Fax: 401-463-3433

Website: http://www.techaccess-ri.org/

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation - Vermont

HC 2 South, 280 State Dr
Waterbury, VT 05671-2040

Phone: 1-866-VRWORKS

Fax: 802-241-0341

Website: http://vocrehab.vermont.gov/

Office of Veterans Affairs - Vermont

118 State St
Montpelier, VT 05620-4401

Phone: 802-828-3379

Fax: 802-828-5932

Toll Free: 888-666-9844

Website: http://veterans.vermont.gov/

Vermont Assistive Technology Program

NOB 1 North, 280 State Dr
Waterbury, VT 05671-1090

Toll Free: 1-800-750-6355

Fax: 802-241-0341

Website: http://atp.vermont.gov/

Vermont Statewide Independent Living Council

PO Box 9374
South Burlington, VT 05407

Phone: 802-233-4908

Website: http://vtsilc.org/